Bronze Sponsor


HENSOLDT is a lead­ing com­pa­ny in the Euro­pean defence indus­try with a glob­al reach. Based in Taufkirchen near Munich, the com­pa­ny devel­ops sen­sor solu­tions for defence and secu­ri­ty appli­ca­tions. As a sys­tem inte­gra­tor, HENSOLDT offers plat­form-inde­pen­dent, net­worked sen­sors. At the same time, the com­pa­ny is dri­ving for­ward the
devel­op­ment of defence elec­tron­ics and optron­ics as a tech­nol­o­gy leader and invest­ing in new solu­tions based on soft­ware-defined defence. In addi­tion, the com­pa­ny is expand­ing its range of offers to include new ser­vice mod­els and is extend­ing its port­fo­lio of sys­tem solu­tions. In 2023, HENSOLDT achieved a turnover of 1.85 bil­lion euros.
Fol­low­ing the acqui­si­tion of ESG GmbH, the com­pa­ny employs around 8,000 peo­ple. HENSOLDT is list­ed on the Frank­furt Stock Exchange in the MDAX.

Chair for RF and
Pho­ton­ics Engi­neer­ing