

Semiconductor technology has made enormous progress in recent decades. In particular, the energy efficiency and speed of semiconductor components have steadily improved. These developments are crucial for the future of electronics and communication technology.

The miniaturisation of transistors and the use of advanced materials have led to a drastic reduction in energy consumption. New architectures such as FinFETs and nanowires enable more efficient signal processing with lower power consumption.

The reduction in structure widths has increased switching speeds. Chips today operate at gigahertz and terahertz frequencies. Integrated circuits (ICs) play a central role in this. They combine various functions on a single chip and thus enable complex systems. In the millimetre wave range (30 GHz to 300 GHz), ICs are being developed for a wide range of applications.

Millimetre-wave ICs are suitable for use in radar sensors, communication systems and sensor networks. They enable contactless sensor technologies and high-resolution environment detection. By integrating on-chip antennas, distance and angle measurements can be realised in compact form factors.

The new 6G mobile communications standard is expected to use frequencies in the millimetre wave range. With higher data rates, lower latency and extended application areas, 6G will revolutionise communication. Integrated circuits will play a key role in fulfilling the requirements of 6G.

The characterisation and measurement of millimetre-wave ICs is a challenge. High frequencies require special test equipment and methods.

This conference will feature scientific papers focusing on the aforementioned topics, especially semiconductor technology, electronics, systems and 6G technologies and applications.

Join us

Become a sponsor of an inspiring conference that plays an important role in the electronics, semiconductor and 6G research area. The 16th GeMiC is hosted by Dresden University of Technology in cooperation with IMA e.V. and VDE/ITG. We would be delighted to welcome you as a sponsor between March 17-19, 2025, in Dresden, capitol of saxony and one of the most important semiconductor sites in Europe.


To arrange your individual sponsoring package, please contact:

Dirk Plettemeier / TU Dresden


Chair for RF and Photonics Engineering