General instructions for presenters

- Oral -

  • The total time allot­ted to each speak­er is 20 min­utes. You should plan to speak for 15 min­utes and leave 5 min­utes for ques­tions.

  • Keynote speak­ers have 30 min­utes in total, and they should plan to speak for about 25 min­utes, leav­ing 5 min­utes for ques­tions.

  • The Ses­sion Chairs are instruct­ed to adhere to the print­ed sched­ule for the ses­sion. With par­al­lel ses­sions, this is crit­i­cal to the over­all suc­cess of the con­fer­ence.

Organization of Oral presentations

  • The ses­sion rooms will be equipped with a com­put­er con­nect­ed to a video pro­jec­tor. Nor­mal audio equip­ment such as micro­phones will be pro­vid­ed if applic­a­ble.

  • The com­put­ers are equipped with Win­dows 10/11 as well as Microsoft Pow­er­Point 2016 (Office), Inter­net Explorer/Edge (lat­est), Adobe Acro­bat Read­er DC.

  • Upload the pre­sen­ta­tion data in the same way you did with the Man­u­script. Please upload the pre­sen­ta­tion mate­ri­als no lat­er than 23:59 (CET), March 13, 2025.

  • If you want to dou­ble-check your pre­sen­ta­tion, please be at your ses­sion 15 min­utes in advance.

  • To avoid font issues when using con­fer­ence com­put­ers, save your Pow­er­Point pre­sen­ta­tions with “Embed true type fonts” select­ed under “Save Options” from the “File” menu. Save in both “.pptx” and “.ppsx” for­mats. More­over, if you have Adobe Acro­bat, save a copy in “.pdf” for­mat for com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with Adobe Read­er.

- Poster -

  • The poster pre­sen­ta­tion times will be announced with the offi­cial con­fer­ence pro­gram with­in the next weeks.

  • All Posters must be post­ed by Tues­day in the morn­ing, 09:00 o’clock. They must be removed 13:30–14:30 on Wednes­day.

  • Posters must be attached using the adhe­sive stripes pro­vid­ed by the orga­niz­ing com­mit­tee.

  • Each poster pre­sen­ter is required to defend his/her poster dur­ing the respec­tive poster ses­sion slot for the paper to be includ­ed in the con­fer­ence pro­ceed­ings.

  • Sim­ply post­ing the pages of your writ­ten ver­sion of the pro­ceed­ings paper is NOT accept­able for your poster. 


  • One poster board is allo­cat­ed to each pre­sen­ta­tion. The rec­om­mend­ed poster size is Por­trait for­mat, A0 (ISO 216) which is 841 mm wide and 1189 high (alter­na­tive­ly use For­mat E with 34 in by 44 in).

  • GeMiC2025 does not pro­vide a poster tem­plate. If avail­able, use a tem­plate of your institute/company and fol­low good prac­tices, like giv­en here.

  • Upload the poster file in the same way you did with the Man­u­script. Please upload the poster file no lat­er than 23:59 (CET), March 13, 2025.

  • Bring along a tablet of blank paper that you may use for a dis­cus­sion of tech­ni­cal details relat­ing to your poster.

  • GeMiC 2025 will NOT offer any print­ing ser­vice. Authors must bring the poster with them or arrange one local­ly on their own.

Chair for RF and
Pho­ton­ics Engi­neer­ing